To be clear about what has happened, the first necessary step to success.
So far, the best definition I have encountered: "Success is the culmination of all thought." In other words, success is finishing, do what you planned.
Even robbing a bank is a kind of success, if that's what you wanted to do. However, you probably have no intention of landing in jail!
The previous definition of success highlights the success and failure. Make a plan and follow it andYou will be successful. Make a plan and does not follow, and fail.
This gives a criterion for evaluating all the days of our lives. We can say, at the end of the day "I failed" or "I managed."
That can be very obvious, but it is surprising that only about 85% of humanity is not the end what they intended.
I asked someone what they thought had happened. One person said "it happened a lot of money." Another said that the success"The achievement of your goals." Someone else said that the success of "realize your potential." An interesting answer is that the success of "Making others jealous" is.
Brian Tracy is in agreement with the connection between success and goals. He said: "Success is the goal and the rest is commentary." Tracy believes that people with clear goals and written, far more in less time than people without it.
Stuart Goldsmith in "The Midas Method" is an important section on howGoals to achieve, with the full power of the subconscious.
Maria Nemeth gives this definition of success: "Do what you said you would do with ease."
"Do what you said you would do" is not currently used by the majority of men, especially politicians! Doing so is easily accessible by even less, and requires the best from the subconscious.
Jim Rohn says that the success of just a few simple disciplines practiced daily.
ThePower of daily discipline is enormous. Since the discipline is practiced every day, the effect is cumulative. The good practice is supported with 365 times a year, maybe a couple of gaffes.
Can not help but have a great influence. Once discipline is a daily habit, can not forget until the fruits begin to arrive
The writer, who writes every day, he wrote over 300 pages at the end of the year. If he or she does not write every day they lose momentum andInspiration. If you continue to write (even a few words a day) a magnet for relevant thoughts develops.
Recently, an American student of media studies at Liverpool applied for 600 jobs and received a single interview, which has failed. He decided to write a novel. He decided to complete ten pages a day. He worked at night in a dead end job to make money and then wrote until about 5 am on his novel, which has now become famous. It also seems that even a HollywoodBlockbuster.
He points out that if you only write one page a day for 100 days, you can write a screenplay. He wrote his novel, studying the structure of the two novels, and note how they structured and wrote the screenplay after studying video of films and noticing how long each scene lasted before it was a change.
I can not remember his name or the name of his book, as I happened to hear one of his interviews on television.
The practice of everydayDisciplines alone can change our lives completely. Another advantage is that they create everyday disciplines to quickly create character, morals and customs.
A quote from the great Jim Ryun, the American is the following
"Motivation is what you can start immediately.
Habit is what keeps you going "
Another brilliant quote is:
"Do not try to be a man of success, but try to be a man of value."
Albert Einstein
The following quote says more or less the sameWhat:
"Success usually comes to those who are too busy to look." Henry David Thoreau
Many argue that success is not about making money, but to develop in you a person who is precious to others.
But this is very often to make money because people will be charged on the value. Someone who is very good at their work usually command to pay what they want.
Adam Hollioake is one of the most successful English county cricketCaptains. He realized that what's important in life, when his brother Ben in a car accident in Perth in Australia has been killed. Adam learned that he should be kind to others and have fun and "this is what life is."
His vision of success in cricket is not necessarily win. He is not afraid of losing a cricket match. He cares only that his team put 100% effort in the game. He commented:
"When we put in this effort usually wins anyway."
Success is then tested in about 100%whatever the results. More often, however, the results are very good.
Michael Angier has a great definition of success.
"Success is the result of an increasingly important under our goals. When we consistently focus our energies and our efforts on what matters most, we can not help but be successful."
Angier also admires Ralph Waldo Emerson said the success:
"To laugh often and much, the respect of intelligent people and affection to winChildren deserve the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends, to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; leave the world a little 'was better by a healthy child, a garden patch or a withdrawal of social circumstances , a known live, has breathed easier because you have lived, which is what I did. "
What are the causes of success and failure?
William James, the great American psychologist, the failure to a lack of faith in aalso
"There is only one cause of human error. And this man is the lack of faith in himself."
Believing in yourself is an important part of success. Stuart Goldsmith in "The Midas Method" is about two kinds of faith, which are necessary for success. Believe that you deserve success and you must believe that you have the ability to succeed.
Another important reason for success is discipline.
"The ability to discipline yourself to delay gratification in the short termIn order to enjoy greater rewards in the long run, is the prerequisite for success. "Brian Tracy
Another cause is the will to try to succeed, even if the possibility of success is low.
"Far away in the sunshine are my highest expectations. I can not reach them, but I can look and see the beauty, believe in them and try to follow where they lead."
Louisa May Alcott(1832-1888) American writer
My computer guru believes, Danny, you keep your dream in all circumstances and never let go. Grab your vision with an iron fist and even if you are on your luck and never give up in the gutter.
Danny also has a dream for 22 years, however. His dream is to develop the best translator of the world languages.
It does not matter if they are 72 - grab your dream. Actually displayed on the handDream. Too many people will take us through life and give them dreams.
Every dream is personal but the principle is the same. You're an idiot if you let go. They have a reason to live. Prepare a goal and never give up until his death.
There is nothing that can not be done. If you can not swim 10 lengths a train without a break for a few months, and you can swim 50 lengths.
Danny's comments reminded me how little swim at school, taughtTraining to improve your skills.
In my school to the Isle of Man, was a year a half-mile swim in the sea. I knew that I would drown if I tried, but no one suggested I start with the hard training, so that I can swim in the final.
I was classified as someone who could not swim. It did not happen to me that through determined training I would be able to do what I did before.
When Danny was young has a weak thin.But one day he decided that this is not a good thing. He compiled and has some strength training and started his fitness routine, strength and flexibility.
He does it every other day. This avoids the boredom of a daily routine. He has 200 abdominal, leg raises 30-50 and three or four sets of 20-30 bench.
He also makes two groups of 20 or 30 squats with dumbbells to develop leg strength. The weights prevent the risk of losing the balance with a barbell across your shoulders.It 'also unlikely that you drop the dumbbells on children or pets! Dumbbells allow greater control rocker.
Danny's advice for success is to do something. If you have doubts, read a book. The worst thing you can do is sit on my ass watching TV. If you do, then nothing will happen. Receives the hypnotic effects of television on the audience. Danny rarely watch TV.
Danny is also of Arnold Schwarzenegger, who has hit the newly elected GovernorCalifornia. If Arnold wants something, he does what is necessary to get the thing. If you had to eat 50 mars bars, eat them. If he stood naked on his head in a field for half an hour he would.
This is an example to us all. If you send stamps to envelopes of thousands of your letters are direct mail-order places, you need to do so.
The basic principle is to do what was necessary. Some things need to perform certain actions to achieve them andthey have to do, even if you do not like to do.
It is not very well say, I want the governor of California, but I will not do in a public space or on the road during the campaign or be friendly to thousands of people who do not like. You have to take the kids and smile at people you do not like.
If you want to be rich, you need things to do that will make you rich. It is not very well say: ". I do not want to do it," Danny is a virtual slap to the headevery time he tries to give, on its projects.
Some people think they are making money because people like to take shortcuts or cheat. The world would be a much better place if people only do with what they had to do.
Many successful people stress the importance of actions for success.
Michael Masterson of the Ezine "Early to Rise ', writes:" The action is the key to success, and inaction is the reason most people will never achieve the kind of successdream "
Another approach to success is to keep a cool head about it. Just keep doing what you think is important and what you enjoy doing.
"Aim for success, if you want, just do what you love and believe in, and will come naturally." Sir David Frost
Elvis Presley is his cousin Donna some advice to help you achieve your goals for the future. It seems good advice to me:
Donna isBest memory of Elvis was when he was 18 and she told him one on one. He asked his plans for the future and said he could do anything to get what they wanted, "for as long as you have faith in God, have faith in yourself, work hard and do not let anyone say that you can not do anything. "
Elvis was himself a lot of discouragement, which he successfully ignored. The next part of his life was not very successful but as Donna said, we should reach for what he did, the emphasis has beensurprising.
Peter Vidmar explains how success at the Olympics:
"There are only two things I had to do to win the Olympic gold medal. If I wanted to train and train, if not"
This is perhaps my favorite quote of all time. It summarizes the essence of success and strength of will and discipline necessary to achieve it. Sometimes the training will be easy, but sometimes it will take commitment, because they really do not feel like training. It's simple and nice and lightto understand.
Another quote I like to do with the kind of success that depends on people liking your work or product. Do not worry, if they like your work. Do your best and have the propensity or aversion to them.
"Success has a simple formula:" Do your best and people may not like it '. "
Sam Ewing
Each success is a kind of cost, usually involves a tedious job, as suggested in the following quote. The "fatigue", a word of this kind of sumsWorking closely. Almost every type of business is marketing and marketing is the last, like many entrepreneurs make.
"Success is the son of toil and perseverance, can not be tempted or corrupted;. To pay the price, and it's yours."
Orison Swett Marden, 1850-1924.
Mike Litman is often with statements of gold. Here is just one of them:
"The greatest secret of success in life: there is no need to get it right, you just run it perfectionism.Success can be deadly. We'll never get, because we always expect everything to get it right. Instead, let's go. "
One success breeds another. Bobby Robson, now over 70, is one of the most successful managers in the United Kingdom. He should know what creates success. He recently commented on the performance of his team:
"Success breeds success"
That makes sense. Write a successful book, and you will have the confidence to write another. A woman over 70, has written a book on overcomingthe pain of arthritis. It 'been a great success, totally amazed and made hundreds of thousands of dollars. Not surprisingly, now has written two other books.
Success is an important goal for most people, but it helps to have a clear idea of what success means to you. I hope this article will shed light on possible definitions of success and provided some ideas on how to make your kind of success. 2500
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