Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Mental Abuse - The 7 most important things to know

!±8± Mental Abuse - The 7 most important things to know

No one sticks and stones break my bones "- and words are measurable physical damage, but they will cause progressive, long-term damage Never underestimate the power of words: words are used to brainwash ..

Since you said "stupid", "ugly", "lazy" or "worthless" is never acceptable. Listen to the first time, will hurt, of course. By the time "can be used to" hear from a partner. That is, if you internalize it and I think to get started. If this happens to youthe other person do the job of putting up for this. Therefore, your feelings of self-esteem is always suffer in the course of time.

The good news is that just as words have been used to bring down, you can learn, has the power of words to build and use to restore your trust and faith in themselves.

2 You always said it's your fault. Somehow, whatever happens, but it begins, the final blame lies with you. Note that we are talking about the final faultHere. The partners say that will always blame their behavior with what you said or did caused. In fact, the argument runs along the lines that you can not be blamed for everything, because if you say no, what would you say or do what you never did.

3 They are more inclined to your partner that you believe to believe. Have you ever faced reeled with a sense of pain and injustice, or boiled with anger to your way? Youfound myself wondering: "And 'reasonable to think that way?" "I misread something?" "I hurt?"

If this is what it means is that to do so under the brainwashing that you have ceased to trust your personal opinion. Your eye continues to lay the comments and questions, because deep down we know that what happens is completely wrong. But now you can not feel the strength of their convictions.

4 Give credit to your partner, your feelings. HaveHave you ever felt desperate to listen to your partner what you are saying and ask forgiveness for the hurtful things they said? Have you ever thought that only they can use the pain I have caused to heal?

Your desire for them to validate your feelings keep you hooked the relationship?

When one partner always denies or refuses to listen to your feelings, is that without a doubt, psychological abuse.

5 Your partner blows hot and cold. It can be very affectionate, but often very criticalThem. He can tell you how much he loves you, but is short on care or respect for you. In fact, sometimes, maybe even a lot of time, treated as if someone really likes.

They have everything they can to make him happy, but it is never enough. It is more likely that the dog in the relationship, as they are the equal partners. Your persistent efforts to get his attention and ask to meet with little success. Sometimes you have to be charmed, oftenrepellent.

If you are a mystery even to treat your partner can be found in this way, it is because you are trying, in a loving relationship based, when in reality you live life in a control-based relationship. The culprit is struggling with their spiritual feelings of worthlessness and uses his relationship with a sense of personal power to create, his partner at cost.

6 It feels as if you are constantly walking on eggshells. There is a degree of fear inReport. You have come to dread his outbursts, the hurtful things that can be found, it will say. (Perhaps to pay the same fear and distress in your relationship for some).

Fear is not part of a loving relationship, but it is an important part of a mentally abusive relationship. It allows the offender to gain control over you.

7 You can heal. Mentally abusive relationships cause enormous emotional damage to the loving partner who tries, against all odds, to maintainthe relationship together and ultimately can not because his partner is working against them.

Whether you are currently in a mentally abusive relationship, have recently left or years later, still caused the fears and low self-esteem and lack of trust of mental abuse, it is never too late to heal.

But you need to work with a person or a program specifically geared to mental abuse recovery.

Women who have suffered mental abuse expectradical change of themselves, and they now expect. As a result, they struggle and, not infrequently, take with another abusive partner.

Mental abuse recovery is a gradual process. Can low self-esteem and limiting beliefs, what kind of future the abuse victim could ever hope for blocks that can stop women from going forward. But they are blocks, you can delete are very effective. As a language once used was to hurt you, now you can learn the language you can heal.You can overcome past mental abuse and to secure in the future. You can also learn, feel strong, believe in themselves and create the life and relationships you really want.

"The Woman You Want To Be" is a folder designed to help only to accompany a year of travel for the emotional health and happiness.

(C) 2005 Annie Kaszina

Mental Abuse - The 7 most important things to know

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Monday, 8 August 2011

Table height and weight for women - How to calculate BMI and Ideal Weight Charts for Women Test

!±8± Table height and weight for women - How to calculate BMI and Ideal Weight Charts for Women Test

Women are more conscious of their appearance. To keep fit and maintain an ideal body weight is necessary to consider the relationship of BMI. Once you know these things it is easier for you to calculate the exact amount of extra pounds, you need to lose.

Tables of ideal weight for women

You can get many of these weight and height chart for women to be online with ease. But remember, in some states you can not apply this table. Those days are gone when the woman is pregnant,if you work through your menstrual cycle, the menopausal stage, etc., these are the cards on the BMI or Body Mass Index. Ideally, BMI 19 to 24.9. Should a woman of average height of 5 meters with weigh 97-127 pounds. Now, with every inch you can add 3 pounds for this area.

You must also know the average content of fat in the body. Bring the ideal value is the best way to preserve the right figure. Body fat determines theWeight you are. 15% to 25% fat is normal. 25% to 30% fat indicates that you are overweight. About 30% of men are obese.

To maintain a healthy weight and get fit, you should consider the following points in the day:

• Following a balanced diet is a must. You need high-fiber diet.
• Avoid fatty foods, junk food, processed foods, sugary foods, etc.
• Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol.
• Leave at least 12 glassesWater per day.
• It takes a natural detox drink every morning, like lemon and honey, maple syrup and cayenne pepper, etc.
• You left as a natural diet suppressants Acai Berry. This is a super-rich in nutrients and plays an important role in maintaining healthy weight. There is also a colon cleansing agent and an effective anti-aging as well.

Table height and weight for women - How to calculate BMI and Ideal Weight Charts for Women Test

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Thursday, 4 August 2011

Seven personal characteristics of a good leader

!±8± Seven personal characteristics of a good leader

How many times have you heard the comment: "He or she is born a leader?" There are some features that some people have put them in a natural way into a position where they look at you as a leader seems to be found.

For if a person is born a leader or develops skills and abilities to be a leader, is open to debate. There are some clear characteristics that are found in good leaders. These properties can be developed or may be naturally part of their personality. We try toto investigate further.

Seven personal qualities of a good leader FOUND

1 A good leader has an exemplary character. E 'of the utmost importance that a leader worthy of trust, is another cause. A leader must be reliable and known to live their lives with honesty and integrity. A good leader "is the conference" and then earned the right to have responsibility for others. True authority is of good character and respect for the credibility of the person borndoor.

2 A good leader is enthusiastic about their work or cause and also on their leadership role. People respond more openly to a person of passion and devotion. Leaders must be able to be a source of inspiration and motivation to the action required or cause. Although the responsibilities and duties of a leader can vary, the leader must be seen as a part of the team working on the goal. This type of leader will not be afraid to roll up theirSleeves and dirty.

3 A good leader is confident. And they seem to lead to a leader needs, as a person and trust in the leadership role. Such a person inspires confidence in others and draws the confidence and the team's efforts to complete the task. A leader who transmits confidence to the proposed objective inspires the best effort from team members.

4 A leader must be conducted in an orderly and according to specific situationsUncertainty. People look to leaders in times of uncertainty and ignorance, and find comfort and security when the leader portrays confidence and a positive attitude.

5 Good leaders are tolerant of ambiguity and remain calm, composed and steadfast to the main purpose. Storms, emotions, and crises come and go and a good leader takes these as part of the journey and keeps a cool head.

6 A good leader, as well as keeping the main goal in focus, to think in terms of location,analytically. Not only that, a good leader view a situation as a whole, but is able to break into sub parts for closer inspection. While the goal in view, a good leader to break it into manageable steps and make progress towards it.

7 A good leader is committed to excellence. Second best does not lead to success. The good leader not only high standards, but also proactively raise the bar for excellence in all areas.

These sevenpersonal characteristics are key to good leadership. Some functionality may be natural in the personality of the leader. However, each of these features are developed and strengthened. A good leader if you possess these qualities or not, of course, be diligent to consistently develop and strengthen their leadership role.

Seven personal characteristics of a good leader

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Introduction Speech: How to write a speech of introduction

!±8± Introduction Speech: How to write a speech of introduction

An introduction to discourse has only one purpose: to focus on your central idea by making a clear statement and previewing your main ideas. Write the introduction to his persuasive speech, after finishing your work and the income statement and the points and arguments.
Only when you are able to summarize the thesis in one sentence captures the attention.

The objectives of the introduction of a language are: introduce the topic, yourself and the purpose of his speech. Dothey want to hear the rest of his speech.

1 good speech introduction is the same as a good first impression.
So, welcome visitors and guests, look, take a breath and then immediately attention with a smashing one-liners. The first line contains your claim or allegation.

Examples of speech-opener:
Make a provocative rhetorical question and the answer directly to the complaint. Was a surprising statistic or have never heard ofof. To offer an example of mixing. Citing a quote or a humorous note, which describes the situation you're talking about. Make a statement controversial. He tells a compelling story, no one knows. Give a definition of an expert to increase credibility. But be creative in defining your ideas. If you are dealing with a demonstration speech topics will show the object of his speech.
2 State of the thesis or central idea. Draw the outline of the topic in a few direct and clearPhrases.
Help your audience understand the context.

3 Say why your issue is worth thinking about.

4 Introduction and Preview view of your key points and ideas in a short sentence each.

Tell them why they have 5-to-know and out. Discussion topic to say how the idea relates to the needs and interests of the public.

6 List is a great advantage.

7 Now you said that the message and interest, it is time to establish yourCredibility.
Introduce yourself and your experience background in one or two sentences.
State as the topic relates to you by your enthusiasm and expertise.

Then use a phrase of transition for the part of the body and the most important base of the head persuasive speech topics.

The length of the introductory paragraph should be in balance with the total length of his speech.
If you say you want two or three minutes to speak, then do not write an extended speechIntroduction.

Introduction Speech: How to write a speech of introduction

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